Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Made it to London

All the security concerns yet we made it to London no problems, just
tired - why do they show comedies on the plane where everyone has to
break into full laughter while others are trying to sleep?

Bikes seem to be ok too, only damage was a lost luggage tag :-) -
they x-rayed "oversized baggage" in our presence so no need to open
the bike cases (and potentially for them not to get it closed again,
that was our biggest worry).

Nice dinner tonight to celebrate my birthday, to the London Eye and
other sight-seeing tomorrow, then Tour de France stuff starts on
Friday. For now - it's bedtime. I mean, it's 2:30 pm in Edmonton and
I hardly got any sleep at all last night (or, it's 9:30 pm here and I
hardly got any sleep at all last night, take your pick - either way,
we're tired!)


Anonymous said...

Congrats on completing the first leg of the journey...sleep well!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you made it okay!

Anonymous said...

sleep well- D-DUB

Anonymous said...

I speak for all when I say more penguin references please